This site is continually evolving.... Like nature...
Let's start with my..........Latest Poem
I knew a woman,
Lived off the Champs-Eysees,
Above a chique boutique,
Her clothes chiquely borrowed…
Mornings, she’d breath in the sunrise
Beneath the Arc de Triomphe,
Before her first coffee
On the Avenue of Cafés.
Then she’d breakfast with the Devil
To plan the days mischief,
Which she’d contemplate
While chilling in the Petite Palais,
Followed by a champagne lunch at the Ritz,
On the hunt for the entrapment of a wealthy guest!
Twilight - a stroll down the banks of the Seine,
As the Sun ripples the water with it’s last light of the day…
Evening - in the backstreets of the Moulin Rouge,
Posing with the boys in their size 9 high heels…
The night she’d wine away in the cabaret—
Next to be seen
Breathing in the sunrise
Beneath the Arc de Triomphe…
No time for sleep
In the city of love…indulgence!
(Copyright Tony Stringfellow 2025)
'Cracks in the Shell' is Tony Stringfellow's second written collection of poetry, containing over 40 thought provoking poems, Including 'Voice' and 'To the Moon'. most of which are recent compositions. Foreword by Poet/Artist Stephen Morris. Drawings by Tony Stringfellow.
Available now in paperback from Amazon. Click the link to purchase through Amazon.
I completed this painting in tribute to what would have been Marc Bolan's 70th birthday on September 30th in 2017. Limited edition (1000 max) canvas prints are available (16 x 24 inch) for £100 each (plus P&P), Visit my shop to secure your print...
‘TURN ME ON’ “The Ultimate Love Song” from Wild Minds Poet meets 70’s rocker meets
80’s pop star!
When considering creating this web site, I was wary that the whole process seemed distinctly narcissistic, so my first question to myself was...
“Why create it, what is the purpose of this site?”
The answer was clear; it is my shop window, a platform where I can sell myself and what I can do, the talents I have and the things that I can create. To do that I have to sing my own praises and chant my skills and capabilities from the highest spire.
There are many aspects to my creativity and I have a great expanse of experience, so please try not to pigeon hole me, I can just as readily write a book as paint a picture or sculpt a garden gnome, hence I have tried to split the site into various categories, please take a wander...
(It still seems narcissistic though, so forgive me for any self indulgence)
Now to the serious work....
writer-poet-artist-sculptor-puppet maker-sfx artist-
mask maker-prop maker-director-presenter-creative!
When accused, in an interview in 1972, of living in a fantasy world, Marc Bolan argued that his imagination was his reality and without imagination there would be no reality. Meaning… without that which we create in our minds there are no creations. Here I share my reality with you, my imagination and my history. You can walk the neural pathways to the corners of my mind; absorb my stories into your reality and be a part of my fantasies, enter my world. Mind your step and enjoy the stroll.
We’ve been to Nettle valley,
Where the flower people live.
We’ve stung our knees and elbows,
In an effort to believe.
Yet not a glance we caught today…
Maybe they’ve gone away?
But if our eyes were open…………………?
NOW FOLLOW MY NEURAL PATHWAYS through the pages above...